Reading is an acquired skill in the brain. We are not hard-wired to read, it is a result of developmental integration, completely dependent on the way our central nervous system is wiring together. Though there are multiple really good programs to improve reading proficiency, we still see that one of the major techniques used to improve reading today, is pulling the student into a smaller group to “read at a slower pace”. If the developmental pathways in the brain does not change, reading at a slower pace is not going to improve to the same rate and proficiency as their peers. Reading consists of two components:
The reader has to start reading from left to right with both eyes focusing on the same letters at the same time, perform saccadic eye movements involving vision with vestibular (movement) pathways, then fixate both eyes simultaneously, while in 5 to 20 milliseconds, the auditory system would have to put the sound to what the eyes have seen. It requires a timed sequential interaction between the visual, vestibular and auditory system.
This requires both working memory and understanding of language. Working memory relies on the timed integration between visual-spatial and verbal information in order to gain proficiency. Language develops over time as the baby develops vocabulary into the understanding of hidden nuances in speech and language.
It is imperative that the reader develop:
Auditory processing speed and efficiency for phonemic awareness and skill
Visual processing speed and efficiency to compliment the high-speed pathway in left hemisphere
Ocular motor skill for the ease of following a passage from left to right on a page
Language skill for vocabulary, comprehension and literacy skill
Timing between occipital (vision), temporal (auditory) and pre-frontal cortex (comprehension) areas for decoding and spelling
Interhemispheric organization for decoding and comprehension to work together for purposes reading fluency, accuracy, while simultaneously reading with meaning.
Interventions takes into consideration:
Foundational developmental pathways
Decoding and comprehension
The contribution of the visual-vestibular system
The contribution of the auditory-vestibular system
Efficiency of timing
Timed relationship of the visual and auditory system
Interhemispheric organization and relationship to developing bilateral integration
The possibility of an underlying Dyspraxia
Relationship between reading, spelling and Dysgraphia (handwriting and written expression).